AWS Build On

By AWS, NUS, and GovTech

W. Juin Lee
2 min readMar 3, 2020
From left: Jabez Tho, Ashwin Dinesh, Tan Yong Ziab, Lee Wei Juin, and Tan Eng Chye Absent: Hans Delano

Build On, Singapore was jointly organized by Amazon Web Services (AWS), the Government Technology Agency (GovTech), and the National University of Singapore (NUS). This hackathon challenges students from post-secondary institutes to build solutions for real-world problems using AWS products and services.

There is a rise in the usage of personal mobility devices (PMD) in our urban environment. PMDs are extremely affordable and serve an emerging demand for micro-mobility, especially for bridging the last mile. In comparison, a Toyota Camry costs around hundred and fifty thousand Singapore dollars while a PMD costs an average amount of five hundred Singapore dollars, and a car in Singapore can incur various other costs such as road tax and parking. With a PMD, you have the autonomy and freedom to get to your destination whenever you want, and wherever you want while being eco-friendly.

In recent years, PMD accidents have been on the rise, and LTA had seen the need to implement various measures to counter this trend through the process of PMD registration. However, there have been concerns and doubts regarding the effectiveness of the license in promoting good riding behaviors as it only takes into account the roadworthiness of PMDs.

PMDiquette is an AWS Sumerian-powered virtual reality-based PMD safety training simulator. Through the game, PMD users would go through various stages to learn the rules of safety and responsible PMD riding by practicing their riding skills in a virtual environment before being certified.

PMDiquette is a virtual reality-based PMD safety training simulator

We clinched 1st Runner up (Institute category) and Viewers’ Choice!

Special thanks to Teammates: Jabez Tho, Hans Delano, Ashwin, Yong Ziab, and our mentor Teo Shin Jen



W. Juin Lee
W. Juin Lee

Written by W. Juin Lee

I am a techie with a passion for new and emerging technologies out there! 👨‍💻:

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